Motherhood is a challenge, but what if you’re a mother with Bipolar and ADHD? Managing your mental health and family life can be quite a task. What if I told you that your creativity could help you better balance both worlds and make a success out of it? In this blog, I will share how creativity has helped me manage my Bipolar and ADHD as a mom.
1. Creative Outlets Can Be Therapeutic
As someone who suffers from Bipolar, I can attest to the therapeutic power of creative outlets. Whenever I feel like I’m spiralling into a depressive episode, I turn to my creative hobbies, such as painting or writing. These activities help me channel my feelings and emotions into something constructive instead of letting them fester and grow. Doing so makes me feel more balanced and in control of my mental health.
2. Creativity Can Help You Be More Present
If you’re a mother with ADHD, you know how tough it can be to remain present and focused. However, engaging in creative activities can help improve your focus. When you’re in the moment, creating something with your hands, you are practising mindfulness. Mindfulness enables you to tap into a flow state and builds up your focus muscle which can support you in other parts of your life.
3. Mothers Can Share Creative Activities With Her Kids
What’s better than a shared hobby with your kids? Engaging in creative activities with your kids can help build a stronger bond with them. It can also potentially help them with their mental health in the future. When your kids see you channelling your energy into something productive, it can help them understand that you are human too. They might even follow your lead and find it therapeutic themselves!
4. Creative Outlets Can Be Profitable
Mothers, if you want to be financially independent, you can take your creative hobbies to the next level and monetize them. Platforms like Etsy and Society6 make selling your artwork or craft easy. Despite the feeling of achievement, it can also give you financial independence, which is empowering. Being a mother with Bipolar and ADHD doesn’t negate your ability to be successful and creative.
5. Creativity Can Help You Connect With Others
Bipolar and ADHD can be lonely disorders. Things can be tough when you feel like you don’t have a support system or community. However, engaging in creative activities can introduce you to people who share your passion. Whether it’s an online group or in-person classes, connecting with other creatives can boost your mental health. Mothers should never underestimate the power of belonging to a community.
So, there you have it – how creativity has assisted me in better managing my mental health as a mom with Bipolar and ADHD. Engaging in creative hobbies gives me control over my mental health, improves my focus, allows for bonding time with my kids, promotes financial independence and helps me connect with others with similar interests. I hope this blog encourages you, as a mom with Bipolar and ADHD, to try out new creative hobbies and, more importantly, take care of your mental health. Remember that your mental health and your family’s happiness go hand in hand.
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